Supply Chain Management (SCM) adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang meliputi koordinasi, penjadwalan, dan pengendalian terhadap pengadaan, produksi, persediaan dan pengiriman produk ataupun layanan jasa kepada pelanggan yang mencakup administrasi harian, operasi , logistik dan pengolahan informasi mulai dari customer hingga supplier.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Dampak Virus Corona, Larangan Truk Obesitas Ditunda Sampai 2023
Larangan penggunaan truk Over Dimension Over Load (ODOL) atau truk obesitas resmi mundur, dari awalnya 2021 menjadi 31 Desember 2022. Pelemahan ekonomi sebagai dampak virus Corona menjadi salah satu alasan penundaan ini.
"Kami tahu, ini sedang menghadapi masalah resesi dengan adanya corona dan sebagainya," kata Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi dalam konferensi pers di Kantor Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR), Jakarta Selatan, Senin, 24 Februari 2020.
Awalnya, Budi Karya ingin melarang seluruh truk ODOL beroperasi mulai 2021. Sebab, keberadaan ODOL menyebabkan gangguan lalu lintas dan kerusakan jalan.
Namun, Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang meminta larangan ini ditunda sampai 2024 untuk menunggu kesiapan industri. Apalagi, dampak virus corona ke industri dalam negeri cukup besar.
Di sisi lain, kata Budi, pemerintah punya keinginan bahwa aturan penggunaan truk ODOL ini harus ditegakkan. Untuk itulah, dipilih jalan tengah yaitu melarang truk ODOL mulai 1 Januari 2023.
Keputusan ini dicapai dalam rapat tiga menteri. Selain Budi Karya, dua menteri lain yaitu Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono dan Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.
Sejumlah perwakilan pengusaha juga hadir. Di antaranya seperti Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia (APKI) Liana Bratasida hingga Ketua Umum Himpunan Kawasan Industri (HKI) Sanny Iskandar.
Terakhir, Budi Karya mengatakan larangan penggunaan truk ODOL di 2023 ini akan dilakukan bertahap. Menjelang batas waktu itu, Budi Karya pun meminta pengusaha angkutan logistik tidak membeli truk baru dengan kualifikasi ODOL.
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Friday, February 14, 2020
1PL, 2PL, 3PL, 4PL, 5PL Definitions
Perusahaan penyedia jasa logistik hadir untuk memberikan solusi pengelolaan logistik. Perkembangan perusahaan logistik semakin pesat seiring dengan adanya kebutuhan perusahaan-perusahaan untuk meng-out source-kan aktivitas logistik ke perusahaan penyedia jasa logistik.
Kemitraan logistik antara perusahaan dengan penyedia jasa logistik pun semakin berkembang dan melahirkan berbagai bentuk model perusahaan penyedia jasa logistik. Berbagai literatur manajemen logistik setidaknya menyebutkan bentuk kemitraan logistik, seperti yang disampaikan oleh konsultan dan riset logistik terkemuka Frost & Sullivan (2018) dan Cap Gemini (2017):
1 PL (one-party logistics). Perusahaan sebagai pemilik barang mengelola aktivitas logistik (transportasi dan pergudangan) sendiri. Perusahaan melakukan investasi kendaraan dan gudang yang diperlukan dalam penyelenggaraan aktivitas logistiknya.
2 PL (two-party logistics). Perusahaan sebagai pemilik barang menyerahkan sebagian aktivitas logistiknya terutama transportasi ke transporter. Perusahaan mulai mengurangi investasi truck karena sebagian aktivitas transportasi dikelola pihak transporter.
3 PL (third-party logistics). Penyedia jasa logistik ini memberikan layanan solusi logistik ke pelanggan dengan melakukan kontrak pengelolaan logistik pelanggan dan memberikan service lainnya seperti customs clearance, freight forwarding, dan lain-lain. Seringkali 3PL dikenal dengan contract logistics.
4 PL (fourth-party logistics). Perusahaan penyedia jasa logistik 4 PL bertindak sebagai integrator yang mengelola hampir semua aktivitas logistik pelanggan dengan memberikan solusi logistik secara end-to-end. Dalam memberikan layanan logistik ini, perusahaan 4PL bekerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan 3PL.
5 PL (fifth-party logistics). Perusahaan 5PL menjalankan peran sebagai agregrator. Perusahaan ini memberikan solusi logistik pelanggan berbasis on-demand. Pemanfaatan big data dari IoT (internet of things) dan ekonomi berbagi sumberdaya (sharing economy) yang memungkinkan perusahaan 5PL menyediakan solusi logistics on-demand.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Multi Supplier vs Single Supplier
Saat rapat rutin mingguan, Divisi Purchasing dari Departemen SCM sebagai pintu gerbang awal dari Perusahaan mengungkapkan bahwa diperkirakan beberapa hari kedepan akan terjadi problem di lantai Produksi dikarenakan terdapat beberapa komponen bahan baku yang masih belum datang.
Hal tersebut dikarenakan dampak dari supplier di China yang setelah masuk 1 hari dari libur imlek, lalu diinstruksikan lagi oleh pemerintah setempat agar tutup kembali. Bahkan Presiden China Xi Jinping mengatakan tidak ada PHK massal karena wabah virus corona. Para karyawan, tetap bekerja hanya saja dilakukan dari rumah masing-masing hingga 10 hari ke depan.
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir mengatakan, saat ini Indonesia masih menggantungkan 60% pasokan bahan bakunya pada China. Untuk industri otomotif disebutkan hampir 70% bahan baku industri masih diimpor, salah satunya dari China. Dimana Wuhan merupakan daerah produsen onderdil atau suku cadang kendaraan bermotor. Bahkan untuk kebutuhan bahan baku produksi farmasi di Indonesia ketergantungan pasokan impor bahkan mencapai 90%.
Banyak impor dari China dikarenanakan bahan baku dari China memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dan komperatifnya .
Dengan mandeknya impor bahan baku tersebut menjadi peluang bagi Indonesia meningkatkan bahan baku industri dalam negeri sekaligus dalam rangka mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap China.
Selain mencari jalan keluar dengan mencari sumber bahan baku dari negara lain, misalnya dari India, Korea, Jepang dan Eropa Timur, kita juga harus mulai menerapkan dan meningkatkan utilisasi konsumsi daripada bahan baku dalam negeri maka hal ini dapat memberikan kesempatan untuk industri dalam negeri.
Memang virus yang ada bukanlah faktor langsung pendorong di balik kerugian yang dialami. Tapi bagaimana sikap dari konsumen, bisnis, dan pemerintah dalam merespon wabah tersebutlah yang memiliki peran paling besar.
Orang-orang cenderung akan tinggal di rumah selama wabah untuk menghindari sakit, mencegah mereka untuk bepergian, belanja, ataupun bekerja. Perusahaan-perusahaan dan pemerintah pun menutup toko dan pabrik, membatasi produksi.
Sehingga virus Corona ini berdampak pada pasokan bahan baku industri di Indonesia. Bahan baku industri menjadi hilang, atau setidaknya membuat biaya pengiriman menjadi lebih mahal. Ekononi akan sangat rentan jika terlalu bergantung pada faktor ketidakpastian dari supply chain dan pasar.
Terlebih bagi perusahaan yang mengandalkan single vendor atau single supplier di Divisi Purchasing. Terdapat 5 strategi yang dapat dipilih perusahaan untuk melakukan pembelian kepada supplier yaitu adalah sebagai berikut:
Memang single vendor memiliki keuntungan dan kekurangan. Keuntungan single-vendor adalah sebagai berikut :
Sedangkan kerugian single-vendor adalah:
Strategi lain adalah Divisi Purchasing bisa mengaplikasikan strategi multi-vendor. Beberapa kelebihan dari multi-vendor, adalah sebagai berikut :
Hal tersebut dikarenakan dampak dari supplier di China yang setelah masuk 1 hari dari libur imlek, lalu diinstruksikan lagi oleh pemerintah setempat agar tutup kembali. Bahkan Presiden China Xi Jinping mengatakan tidak ada PHK massal karena wabah virus corona. Para karyawan, tetap bekerja hanya saja dilakukan dari rumah masing-masing hingga 10 hari ke depan.
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir mengatakan, saat ini Indonesia masih menggantungkan 60% pasokan bahan bakunya pada China. Untuk industri otomotif disebutkan hampir 70% bahan baku industri masih diimpor, salah satunya dari China. Dimana Wuhan merupakan daerah produsen onderdil atau suku cadang kendaraan bermotor. Bahkan untuk kebutuhan bahan baku produksi farmasi di Indonesia ketergantungan pasokan impor bahkan mencapai 90%.
Banyak impor dari China dikarenanakan bahan baku dari China memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dan komperatifnya .
Dengan mandeknya impor bahan baku tersebut menjadi peluang bagi Indonesia meningkatkan bahan baku industri dalam negeri sekaligus dalam rangka mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap China.
Selain mencari jalan keluar dengan mencari sumber bahan baku dari negara lain, misalnya dari India, Korea, Jepang dan Eropa Timur, kita juga harus mulai menerapkan dan meningkatkan utilisasi konsumsi daripada bahan baku dalam negeri maka hal ini dapat memberikan kesempatan untuk industri dalam negeri.
Memang virus yang ada bukanlah faktor langsung pendorong di balik kerugian yang dialami. Tapi bagaimana sikap dari konsumen, bisnis, dan pemerintah dalam merespon wabah tersebutlah yang memiliki peran paling besar.
Orang-orang cenderung akan tinggal di rumah selama wabah untuk menghindari sakit, mencegah mereka untuk bepergian, belanja, ataupun bekerja. Perusahaan-perusahaan dan pemerintah pun menutup toko dan pabrik, membatasi produksi.
Sehingga virus Corona ini berdampak pada pasokan bahan baku industri di Indonesia. Bahan baku industri menjadi hilang, atau setidaknya membuat biaya pengiriman menjadi lebih mahal. Ekononi akan sangat rentan jika terlalu bergantung pada faktor ketidakpastian dari supply chain dan pasar.
Terlebih bagi perusahaan yang mengandalkan single vendor atau single supplier di Divisi Purchasing. Terdapat 5 strategi yang dapat dipilih perusahaan untuk melakukan pembelian kepada supplier yaitu adalah sebagai berikut:
- Multi Supplier
- Single Supplier
- Vertical Integration, pengembangan kemampuan memproduksi barang atau jasa yang sebelumnya dibeli
- Kairetsu Network, perusahaan manufaktur mengambil jalan tengah antara membeli dari sedikit pemasok dan integrasi vertical dengan cara misalnya mendukung secara financial pemasok melalui kepemilikan atau pinjaman.
- Virtual Company, mengandalkan berbagai hubungan pemasok untuk memberikan pelayanan pada saat diperlukan.
Memang single vendor memiliki keuntungan dan kekurangan. Keuntungan single-vendor adalah sebagai berikut :
- Secara logistik, lebih mudah berurusan dengan hanya satu vendor.
- Saat ada masalah dalam suatu lingkungan multi-vendor, ada kemungkinan setiap vendor akan menyalahkan produk dari vendor lain. Pendekatan single-vendor menghilangkan saling tuduh seperti ini.
- Mengurangi biaya support dan training.
- Lebih hemat biaya, menghabiskan lebih banyak uang untuk satu vendor berrati mendapatkan diskon besar.
- Melangsingkan manajemen jaringan.
- Mengurangi upaya pengadaan.
Sedangkan kerugian single-vendor adalah:
- Hilangnya kemampuan berbelanja dengan kesepakatan terbaik, karena terpaksa mengikuti ketentuan vendor tunggal.
- Kurang kekuatan untuk menegosiasikan harga yang lebih rendah.
- Hilangkan kepekaan terhadap teknologi baru di pasar.
- Resiko besar bagi organisasi, jika support habis, terdapat bug pada produk, atau akibat dari kebijakan politik terhadap vendor.
- Dapat dipaksa meng-upgrade produk sesuai dengan jadwal vendor, bukan sesuai kebutuhan organisasi sendiri.
Strategi lain adalah Divisi Purchasing bisa mengaplikasikan strategi multi-vendor. Beberapa kelebihan dari multi-vendor, adalah sebagai berikut :
- Kebebasan memilih. Strategi jaringan multi-vendor memberikan wewenang kepada organisasi untuk memilih sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya evolusi dan inovasi terbaik, memunculkan persaingan kualitas dan harga yang pada akhirnya akan menguntungkan pelanggan.
- Mendapatkan produk terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi. Vendor tertentu biasanya mempunyai kelebihan pada suatu sisi namun lemah pada sisi lain. Tersedianya banyak vendor, dengan berbagai kualifikasi.
- Fleksibel terhadap perkembangan Inovasi. perusahaan akan mampu mengadopsi solusi-solusi baru, sesuai dengan pertumbuhan dan kebutuhan bisnisnya. Vendor juga harus terus berinovasi dan berkompetisi, menghasilkan solusi dengan kinerja lebih tinggi namun biaya lebih rendah.
- Mengurangi biaya dan resiko. Karena banyak pilihan, persaingan antar vendor semakin ketat, harga kemungkinan besar akan semakin rendah.
- Tidak begitu terpengaruh oleh ketidakstabilan vendor
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
12 Best Practices Of Inventory Optimization
Inventory managers are faced with the challenge of managing tens or hundreds of thousands of items, each with their own characteristics, requiring complex and time-consuming calculations. Without a structured methodology and powerful analytical tools, the proactive management of large inventories becomes an impossible task.
Determining the optimal stock levels for MRO spares should be a science, not an art. But for most organizations, it represents an impossible numbers game.
Inventory managers are faced with the challenge of managing tens or hundreds of thousands of items, each with their own characteristics, requiring complex and time-consuming calculations. Without a structured methodology and powerful analytical tools, the proactive management of large inventories becomes an impossible task, resulting in rapidly increasing inventory levels combined with critical shortages of spare parts.
Today, organizations without optimized inventory run the risk of overpaying and underperforming.
In order to avoid costly shortages, MRO inventory managers often choose to err on the side of caution when it comes to determining stocking levels.
But that strategy has its costs. Inventory consumes space, gets damaged, and sometimes becomes obsolete — and carrying surplus inventory costs the organization. Over time, massive amounts of unused or obsolete inventory translate to waste and loss.
Simply, optimizing inventory means finding the perfect balance between demand and supply. Optimized service spares inventory maintains a level of inventory that virtually eliminates out-of-stock situations while improving efficiency and cutting inventory costs.
Optimizing MRO Inventory
To achieve key business benefits, companies need an approach that supports the unique management requirements of MRO inventory, including:
• High criticality
• Long lead time
• High price
• Generally infrequent and highly variable usage
• Low data quality
Optimized inventory requires frequently obtained data points and evolution of the inventory in question based on those measurements in real time. A decision support system that incorporates best practice methodologies gives inventory managers a powerful tool to manage their business objectives and make their teams significantly more effective.
By leveraging technology tools, automated processes and inventory management best practices to optimize MRO spares and consumables, asset-intensive organizations can consistently produce results like these:
• 15-25 percent reduction in funds invested in safety stock
• 5-20 percent decrease in write-offs of surplus and obsolete stock
• 10-25 percent fewer stock-outs, for improved availability and productivity
• 10-25 percent drop in administrative costs for replenishing inventory
• 33-66 percent less resource time spent managing inventory.
The 12 best practices of inventory optimization
These best practices — the new business requirements for MRO inventory optimization — are based on specialist inventory analysis and optimization methodologies developed by Oniqua — and supported by Oniqua Analytics Solution (OAS). These proven best practices are fundamental to achieving the significant inventory reductions and substantial bottom-line savings that are the hallmarks of inventory optimization.
1. Criticality Analysis
Generate a recommended criticality (business impact code) for each stock item by analyzing:
Application (where used and fitted.
Commodity classifications
Practical “real-world” considerations or “workarounds”
Supplier or OEM
2. Demand Forecasting
Commissioning of additional equipment may be expected to increase demand for certain inventory items. Demand forecasting capabilities should include:
Selection of appropriate forecasting algorithms
Automatic selection of algorithms for each stock item
Use of forecasting and statistical distributions that are appropriate for a wide range of spares items including slow moving and lumpy demand
Clipping and filtering techniques to manage abnormal data
The ability to isolate planned maintenance and project demand from unplanned demand
Capabilities to use knowledge of expected future events or trends to apply demand profiles to future forecasts
3. Lead Time Forecasting
Forecast lead time is a key factor in determining optimal safety stocks — aspire to achieve these capabilities:
Forecast average lead time using purchase order and receipts history
Filtering and clipping techniques to eliminate abnormal data
Override lead times as required, and calculate lead time variance to assess expected service level
4. Issue Size Forecasting
The number of units typically required for an application (the issue size) is also a key factor in determining stock levels — a good inventory optimization solution will provide:
The ability to forecast average issue size using issues history
Appropriate filtering and clipping techniques to eliminate abnormal data
Capabilities to override forecast issue size as required
Calculation of issue size variance and use of this variable in calculating expected service level
5. Economic Modeling
Economic modeling capabilities should allow for “what-if” modeling of inventory trade-off decisions:
Inventory holding costs for different types of items
Total replenishment costs for different purchasing methods
Expediting or emergency freight costs
Stock-out costs, based on criticality and duration of stock-out
Comparing existing and optimized results for metrics such as inventory value, service level and more
6. Optimization of Reordering Parameters
The reordering parameters — minimum and maximum levels (MIN/MAX) — used by the ERP materials management system to generate replenishment orders are the main determinants of inventory outcomes. Reordering parameters should be optimized periodically to reflect changes. The optimization process addresses:
Selection of appropriate algorithms to optimize minimum and maximum stocking levels
Use of an economic cost model that considers costs of holding inventory, replenishment, expediting and stock-outs as a preferred alternative to a fixed service level approach
Analysis of groups of items rather than one-by-one, one at a time
The ability to perform “what-if” modelling and compare optimized results against current inventory performance
Consideration of “real-world” constraints including maximum bin capacity, storage capacity and more
7. Exception Management
For large, complex MRO inventories, a “management by exception” approach ensures that inventory review time is focused on high value or problem items. Exception management capabilities include:
Tools for users to define any number of exception conditions with related alert thresholds
The ability to search, sort and filter by exceptions
Mechanisms to exclude changes to reordering parameters for items with exception conditions
8. Inventory Segmentation
Inventory segmentation provides a management framework for inventory that recognizes that a number of different management techniques are required for various item profiles:
Segment the inventory based on characteristics such as usage or holding value, movement frequency and more
Apply structured policies or business rules to the management of each inventory segment, such as manual control of special items or review or potentially obsolete items
9. Spares Risk Assessment
Some MRO inventories will include a high proportion of spares that are high cost, critical, have little or no expected usage and require long lead times to receive. Managing these items requires specific techniques:
Risk modelling of the effect of holding zero, one or two sets
The ability to perform sensitivity analysis around expected mean-time-between-demand and stock-out cost
The ability to model or override all inputs to the stocking decision
10. Spares Pooling
Significant reductions in overall safety stock investment are possible through the pooling or sharing of high value, infrequent items (insurance spares) across multiple sites. To facilitate such arrangements, companies should:
Identify common spares that are suitable for sharing
Establish the optimal number of pooled spares to be held
Determine the optimal location for holding the spares
11. Knowledge Capture
Capturing organizational knowledge relating to inventory items is an important business process in preventing mistakes and re-investigation; the inventory optimization solution should:
Capture notes and commentary about inventory items
Provide an audit trail for decisions
Ensure high data quality for input parameters and classification codes
Provide reminders when reviews are due
12. Reporting Inventory KPIs
Inventory KPI reporting is important to allow progress in improving inventory to be tracked. KPI reporting should include:
A selection of pre-defined inventory management reports
The ability to automatically capture a large selection of pre-defined inventory KPIs
The ability for users to customize reports and statistics
For today’s asset-intensive companies, competitive advantage requires a positive mindset towards innovation and technology. Without technology solutions and best practices, companies are left to struggle with manual processes, standard ERP system functionality, and ad hoc databases or spreadsheets. These manually intensive approaches are prone to error and impossible to sustain on a repetitive basis.
Inventory optimization is just good business. Achieving and maintaining inventory optimization is possible and profitable, with the right tools and the right type of help.
Sumber :
Determining the optimal stock levels for MRO spares should be a science, not an art. But for most organizations, it represents an impossible numbers game.
Inventory managers are faced with the challenge of managing tens or hundreds of thousands of items, each with their own characteristics, requiring complex and time-consuming calculations. Without a structured methodology and powerful analytical tools, the proactive management of large inventories becomes an impossible task, resulting in rapidly increasing inventory levels combined with critical shortages of spare parts.
Today, organizations without optimized inventory run the risk of overpaying and underperforming.
In order to avoid costly shortages, MRO inventory managers often choose to err on the side of caution when it comes to determining stocking levels.
But that strategy has its costs. Inventory consumes space, gets damaged, and sometimes becomes obsolete — and carrying surplus inventory costs the organization. Over time, massive amounts of unused or obsolete inventory translate to waste and loss.
Simply, optimizing inventory means finding the perfect balance between demand and supply. Optimized service spares inventory maintains a level of inventory that virtually eliminates out-of-stock situations while improving efficiency and cutting inventory costs.
Optimizing MRO Inventory
To achieve key business benefits, companies need an approach that supports the unique management requirements of MRO inventory, including:
• High criticality
• Long lead time
• High price
• Generally infrequent and highly variable usage
• Low data quality
Optimized inventory requires frequently obtained data points and evolution of the inventory in question based on those measurements in real time. A decision support system that incorporates best practice methodologies gives inventory managers a powerful tool to manage their business objectives and make their teams significantly more effective.
By leveraging technology tools, automated processes and inventory management best practices to optimize MRO spares and consumables, asset-intensive organizations can consistently produce results like these:
• 15-25 percent reduction in funds invested in safety stock
• 5-20 percent decrease in write-offs of surplus and obsolete stock
• 10-25 percent fewer stock-outs, for improved availability and productivity
• 10-25 percent drop in administrative costs for replenishing inventory
• 33-66 percent less resource time spent managing inventory.
The 12 best practices of inventory optimization
These best practices — the new business requirements for MRO inventory optimization — are based on specialist inventory analysis and optimization methodologies developed by Oniqua — and supported by Oniqua Analytics Solution (OAS). These proven best practices are fundamental to achieving the significant inventory reductions and substantial bottom-line savings that are the hallmarks of inventory optimization.
1. Criticality Analysis
Generate a recommended criticality (business impact code) for each stock item by analyzing:
Application (where used and fitted.
Commodity classifications
Practical “real-world” considerations or “workarounds”
Supplier or OEM
2. Demand Forecasting
Commissioning of additional equipment may be expected to increase demand for certain inventory items. Demand forecasting capabilities should include:
Selection of appropriate forecasting algorithms
Automatic selection of algorithms for each stock item
Use of forecasting and statistical distributions that are appropriate for a wide range of spares items including slow moving and lumpy demand
Clipping and filtering techniques to manage abnormal data
The ability to isolate planned maintenance and project demand from unplanned demand
Capabilities to use knowledge of expected future events or trends to apply demand profiles to future forecasts
3. Lead Time Forecasting
Forecast lead time is a key factor in determining optimal safety stocks — aspire to achieve these capabilities:
Forecast average lead time using purchase order and receipts history
Filtering and clipping techniques to eliminate abnormal data
Override lead times as required, and calculate lead time variance to assess expected service level
4. Issue Size Forecasting
The number of units typically required for an application (the issue size) is also a key factor in determining stock levels — a good inventory optimization solution will provide:
The ability to forecast average issue size using issues history
Appropriate filtering and clipping techniques to eliminate abnormal data
Capabilities to override forecast issue size as required
Calculation of issue size variance and use of this variable in calculating expected service level
5. Economic Modeling
Economic modeling capabilities should allow for “what-if” modeling of inventory trade-off decisions:
Inventory holding costs for different types of items
Total replenishment costs for different purchasing methods
Expediting or emergency freight costs
Stock-out costs, based on criticality and duration of stock-out
Comparing existing and optimized results for metrics such as inventory value, service level and more
6. Optimization of Reordering Parameters
The reordering parameters — minimum and maximum levels (MIN/MAX) — used by the ERP materials management system to generate replenishment orders are the main determinants of inventory outcomes. Reordering parameters should be optimized periodically to reflect changes. The optimization process addresses:
Selection of appropriate algorithms to optimize minimum and maximum stocking levels
Use of an economic cost model that considers costs of holding inventory, replenishment, expediting and stock-outs as a preferred alternative to a fixed service level approach
Analysis of groups of items rather than one-by-one, one at a time
The ability to perform “what-if” modelling and compare optimized results against current inventory performance
Consideration of “real-world” constraints including maximum bin capacity, storage capacity and more
7. Exception Management
For large, complex MRO inventories, a “management by exception” approach ensures that inventory review time is focused on high value or problem items. Exception management capabilities include:
Tools for users to define any number of exception conditions with related alert thresholds
The ability to search, sort and filter by exceptions
Mechanisms to exclude changes to reordering parameters for items with exception conditions
8. Inventory Segmentation
Inventory segmentation provides a management framework for inventory that recognizes that a number of different management techniques are required for various item profiles:
Segment the inventory based on characteristics such as usage or holding value, movement frequency and more
Apply structured policies or business rules to the management of each inventory segment, such as manual control of special items or review or potentially obsolete items
9. Spares Risk Assessment
Some MRO inventories will include a high proportion of spares that are high cost, critical, have little or no expected usage and require long lead times to receive. Managing these items requires specific techniques:
Risk modelling of the effect of holding zero, one or two sets
The ability to perform sensitivity analysis around expected mean-time-between-demand and stock-out cost
The ability to model or override all inputs to the stocking decision
10. Spares Pooling
Significant reductions in overall safety stock investment are possible through the pooling or sharing of high value, infrequent items (insurance spares) across multiple sites. To facilitate such arrangements, companies should:
Identify common spares that are suitable for sharing
Establish the optimal number of pooled spares to be held
Determine the optimal location for holding the spares
11. Knowledge Capture
Capturing organizational knowledge relating to inventory items is an important business process in preventing mistakes and re-investigation; the inventory optimization solution should:
Capture notes and commentary about inventory items
Provide an audit trail for decisions
Ensure high data quality for input parameters and classification codes
Provide reminders when reviews are due
12. Reporting Inventory KPIs
Inventory KPI reporting is important to allow progress in improving inventory to be tracked. KPI reporting should include:
A selection of pre-defined inventory management reports
The ability to automatically capture a large selection of pre-defined inventory KPIs
The ability for users to customize reports and statistics
For today’s asset-intensive companies, competitive advantage requires a positive mindset towards innovation and technology. Without technology solutions and best practices, companies are left to struggle with manual processes, standard ERP system functionality, and ad hoc databases or spreadsheets. These manually intensive approaches are prone to error and impossible to sustain on a repetitive basis.
Inventory optimization is just good business. Achieving and maintaining inventory optimization is possible and profitable, with the right tools and the right type of help.
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Dalam Supply Chain Management (SCM) , strategi Push dan Pull adalah dua pendekatan utama dalam mengelola arus barang, informasi, dan permi...