
Monday, January 25, 2021

Teknologi Supply Chain Masa depan

Sistem Manajemen Rantai Pasokan, Gebrakan Teknologi Masa depan

Rantai Pasokan Terbaru

International Investor Club – Pertumbuhan bisnis yang mengesankan, dibarengi dengan pengembangan teknologi berkelanjutan menjadikan Amazon sebagai salah satu kiblat inovasi di sektor e-commerce.

Menyadur data terakhir perusahaan tersebut, pertumbuhan bisnis dari tahun 2018 ke 2019 telah mencapai 30%. Sementara 13% keuntungan didapat dari transaksi global, termasuk di kawasan Asia Pasifik.

Rantai pasokan

Secara lebih mendetail, banyak hal yang bisa dipelajari dari kesuksesan perusahaan yang dibangun Jeff Bezos tersebut. Manajemen rantai pasokan menjadi salah satunya, memungkinkan Amazon mengakomodasi ekspektasi pelanggan terkait pengiriman barang yang dilakukan cepat. Salah satu realisasinya dalam fitur “same day delivery”.

Saat ini, konsep serupa tengah masif diterapkan oleh pemain e-commerce di seluruh dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia.

Transformasi besar-besaran dilakukan agar memungkinkan jalur distribusi barang menjadi lebih efisien. Untuk beberapa pengiriman ke kota besar, khususnya wilayah Jabodetabek, platform seperti Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak dan sebagainya sudah mungkinkan pengiriman sehari, memanfaatkan kerja sama dengan aplikasi ride-sharing seperti GoJek, Grab, dll.

Dalam sajian berita KataData dituliskan, proses rantai pasokan telah berubah dari masa ke masa. Di era sebelum e-commerce, prosesnya hanya melibatkan pembeli dan pemilik toko, karena transaksi terjadi secara langsung di tempat.

Di era jual-beli online, aktivitasnya menjadi lebih panjang. Pada setiap aspek rantai pasokan terdapat berbagai aktivitas pertukaran informasi, transaksi dana, pengelolaan barang, manajemen logistik, hingga proses pelaporan.


Kemitraan strategis dengan pihak ketiga dijadikan solusi agar alurnya efisien. Masing-masing perusahaan dengan kompetensinya melakukan pengelolaan di masing-masing bidang.

Misalnya, platform e-commerce fokus menyediakan kanal, perusahaan logistik konsentrasi pada distribusi produk dan perusahaan rantai pasokan sediakan gudang.

Di titik sekarang ini, fragmentasi layanan e-commerce justru menghadirkan permasalahan baru. Dengan ekspektasi sama soal pengiriman cepat, sistem logistik sering terseok-seok hadapi traksi pesanan yang membludak. Hal ini rutin terjadi di momen-momen khusus, misalnya perayaan hari belanja atau mendekati hari raya.

Tak mau pasrah dengan keadaan, beberapa perusahaan e-commerce mulai bangun infrastruktur secara mandiri. Seperti yang dilakukan Tokopedia melalui visinya untuk menjadi “Infrastruktur as a Services” di sektor ritel. Mereka membangun layanan pemenuhan (fullfilment) TokoCabang untuk memperlancar proses distribusi produk.

Head of Fulfillment Tokopedia, Erwin Dwi Saputra kepada DailySocial menjabarkan cara kerjanya.

TokoCabang memungkinkan penjual menitipkan stok produk di gudang Tokopedia di berbagai daerah, terutama di wilayah di mana permintaan produk cenderung tinggi. Dengan layanan pemenuhan yang efisien, penjual kini tidak perlu lagi mempertimbangkan isu operasional pemenuhan pesanan, terutama ketika usaha penjual mulai berkembang pesat.

Rantai Pengiriman

Selanjutnya barang-barang tersebut dikelola pengirimannya oleh 12 mitra logsitik yang telah bekerja sama dengan Tokopedia. Selain lebih cepat, memungkinkan perusahaan memberikan ongkos kirim yang lebih terjangkau. Tokopedia menyebut fitur tersebut sebagai “instant delivery”.

Visi penguatan logistik turut digaungkan oleh perusahaan lain. salah satunya, disampaikan President & CEO Zhang Li bahwa prioritas mereka saat ini mengupayakan layanan “same day delivery”, dimulai dari seluruh wilayah Jabodetabek. Layanan yang dimaksud memungkinkan pesanan dikirim ke pelanggan pada hari yang sama jika pemesanan dilakukan sebelum pukul 10.00 WIB.

Zhang mengklaim 85% pesanan di Jabodetabek telah memakai same day delivery. Angka tersebut turut menjadi pendorong memperkuat infrastruktur logistik, karena saat ini kecepatan tersebut jadi layanan unggulan.

Untuk perluasan, pihaknya sudah bangun 11 gudang yang tersebar di berbagai kota, termasuk Medan, Makassar, Surabaya, Semarang dan Pontianak.

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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Rantai Pasok Buah Nasional

Permasalahan Seputar Rantai Pasok Buah Nasional

24 Oktober 2019

Beragam bunga seperti krisan, mawar, dan anggrek menyelimuti sebuah mobil. Di bagian depan beragam buah lokal seperti semangka, pisang, dan nanas turut menghias mobil itu. Lima mobil yang semuanya berhias bunga dan buah itu berderet-deret di lapangan kampus lama Institut Pertanian Bogor di kawasan Baranangsiang dan bersiap mengelilingi Kebun Raya Bogor.

Ribuan anak-anak, remaja hingga dewasa dari berbagai kalangan mengikuti pawai kendaraan hias itu. Mereka adalah organisasi mahasiswa utusan daerah, pelajar SMA se-Bogor, sivitas akademika Institut Pertanian Bogor dan masyarakat pencinta buah.

Panen Dragon fruit 3 Kali SetahunBibit Buah Naga Kuning Hasil Pembiakan Teknik Sambung Ramai Dicari Pekebun

Pesta bunga

Bahkan ada juga yang membawa buah seperti durian dan jeruk pamelo khas kota Madiun, Jawa Timur. Sedikitnya 10.000 orang tumpah-ruah untuk memeriahkan puncak perayaan Festival Bunga dan Buah Nusantara (FBBN) 2018 di Kotamadya Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada 12 Oktober 2018. “Ini adalah pawai terbesar di kota Bogor,” ujar Wakil Walikota Bogor Ir Usmar Hariman saat menghadiri pembukaan FBBN 2014.

Panitia juga menyelenggarakan pameran berbagai tanaman hias di antaranya mawar, krisan, lili, dan jahe-jahean hasil riset Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias. Beberapa buah unggulan nasional pun seperti jeruk keprok batu 55, pisang kirana, salak, pepaya calina, dan merah delima, jambu kristal, dan hasil olahan buah dipamerkan oleh sekitar 70 gerai selama 3 hari.

Ketika membuka acara, Menteri Pertanian Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II, Dr Ir Suswono MMA, mengungkapkan, “Impor produk hortikultura Indonesia sejatinya sangat kecil. Jadi tidak perlu takut,” ujarnya. Menurut Direktorat Jenderal Hortikultura, Kementerian Pertanian Hasanuddin Ibrahim, “Dari volume 7-8% impor hortikultura, volume impor buah hanya 3-4%. Buah-buahan Nusantara mendominasi dibanding buah impor. Namun, karena buah impor kerap mengisi pasar-pasar swalayan, kesannya menjadi besar dan banyak,” ujarnya.

Bagaimana dengan nilainya? Hasil analisis Pusat Kajian Hortikultura Tropika, Institut Pertanian Bogor (PKHT-IPB), nilai impor buah dan sayur beserta olahannya pada 2011 mencapai 17,61-triliun. Nilai itu lebih tinggi dari impor beras sebesar Rp l0,6-triliun, jagung (Rp 8,61 triliun), kedelai (Rp 9,38 triliun), dan gandum (Rp l7,02 triliun). Pada kurun 2007-2011 tingkat pertumbuhan 3%.

Khusus buah segar, data Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS) menyebutkan volume impor Indonesia pada 2011 mencapai 832.000 ton dengan menghabiskan devisa Rp 8,5-triliun. Akibatnya tingkat pertumbuhan impor rata-rata dari 2007-2011 mencapai 17,98% per tahun. Data itu menunjukkan pada 2007-2011, total produksi buah nasional mencapai 17,56 juta kg per tahun dengan tingkat pertumbuhan 3,07% per tahun.

“Sementara data konsumsi buah mencapai 12,7 juta kg per tahun dengan tingkat pertumbuhan 3,54% per tahun,” ujar Prof Dr Ir Roedhy Poerwanto, MSc, guru besar Institut Pertanian Bogor, saat menjadi pembicara pada temu bisnis bertajuk Forum Investasi dan Bisnis Hortikultura Indonesia (FIBHI) di IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Botani Square, Bogor pada 11 Oktober 2014. Acara itu mempertemukan calon pembeli dari pasar modern domestik dan eksportir. Forum itu juga menyelenggarakan pelatihan ekspor buah.

Kerusakan buah Panen Mencapai 60%

Dari data produksi dan konsumsi buah nasional sekilas terlihat Indonesia mencapai swasembada buah dan bisa ekspor kelebihannya. Namun, ternyata tak demikian. Indonesia masih tetap mengimpor buah hingga kini. Itu karena tingkat kerusakan buah sangat tinggi, mencapai 30%-60% mulai dari kebun hingga pascapanen. Menurut Prof Roedhy salah satu solusinya adalah memperbaiki manajemen rantai pasokan atau supply chain management.

Rantai pasokan adalah proses perencanaan, implementasi, koordinasi, dan pengawasan yang terintegrasi untuk meningkatkan produksi dan penyaluran produk sesuai permintaan pasar dan seefisien mungkin. “Supply Chain Management akan menentukan kualitas, kontinuitas, dan konsistensi kehadiran buah Nusantara di pasar domestik dan internasional,” ujar alumnus Ehime University, Jepang, itu. Hasilnya adalah penambahan nilai dan daya saing buah nusantara.

Roedhy mengatakan rantai pasok buah Nusantara saat ini semrawut, mahal, dan kurang efisien, sehingga perlu perbaikan. Untuk membangun rantai pasok yang berkualitas, khususnya untuk tujuan pasar domestik modern dan ekspor, perlu kebun produksi lebih dari 500 hektar dan kebun antara 5-50 ha per hamparan. “Hal itu juga wajib ditunjang penanganan pascapanen di sentra-sentra produksi, keberadaan infrastruktur logistik dan teknologi distribusi,” ujar Prof Roedhy 

Sebagai standardisasinya adalah mensyaratkan penerapan good agricultural practises (GAP) pada proses produksi buah, good handling practices (GHP) pada proses penanganan pascapanen dan good manufacturing practices (GMP).

Sebagai puncak kemeriahan acara FBBN 2018, IPB mengadakan karnaval dan pelaksanaan ikrar cinta bunga dan buah. Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Dahlan Iskan memimpin ikrar dan membuka karnaval dan jalan pagi. Acara itu juga dimeriahkan aneka lomba dan demo bertema buah antara lain menggambar, melukis bunga dan buah, hias boneka horta, busana anak, merangkai buah, serta fotografi.

Selain itu dilakukan demo mengukir buah dan bunga. “Acara lomba-lomba untuk meningkatkan semangat anak-anak, remaja, hingga orang tua untuk mencintai buah dan bunga nusantara,” ujar Prof Dr Ir Herry Suhardiyanto, MSc, Rektor IPB. Menteri BUMN berharap gaung FBBN tak hanya di Bogor dan Jawa Barat saja, melainkan hingga seluruh pelosok nusantara.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Vaccine Supply Chain Management

The Complex Logistical Challenges of Vaccine Distribution

January 4, 2021 · By Newcastle Systems     

Humans have been benefitting from vaccines for over two centuries, but the process for developing and distributing vaccines effectively has been neither neat nor direct.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage across the country, the sense of urgency for a solution has never been greater.

As a group of potential vaccines for COVID seems within reach, the next hurdle facing experts is how to safely distribute and administer them to hundreds of millions of people. It’s an unprecedented logistical challenge.

Unlike most other medical breakthroughs, the public is being made aware for the first time of the extensive details of what goes into the process – how it was developed, who’s involved, how it’s being paid for, the hiccups, the concerns, the regulatory hurdles (or potential shortcuts) and so much more.

For this particular vaccine, we are also seeing how much variance there is in how vaccines get stored, transported, distributed, and delivered. But historical awareness can help inform some short and long-term solutions to the issues currently faced relative to vaccine production and supply.

What We Know About Early Vaccine Logistics
Edward Jenner, a country doctor in England, is credited with coming up with the first vaccine in 1796 when he took the pus from a cowpox lesion on a milkmaid’s hand to inoculate a small boy against smallpox. Logistically, distributing this type of vaccine initially required sharing the knowledge with health experts around the world.

Once accepted, many countries began mass inoculation programs. The Spanish government adopted a ten-year campaign to bring the smallpox vaccine to its Asian and American countries. In an expedition beginning in 1803, Doctor Francisco Xavier de Balmis brought the vaccine to seven countries in a chain of arm-to-arm distribution.

Advances in Logistics for Vaccine Distribution
Arm-to-arm distribution is neither a practical nor expeditious method for modern  vaccine distribution. One of the barriers to effective vaccine distribution has always been financial.

In the nineteenth century, there was an increased shift away from government entities controlling vaccines in favor of commercial enterprises. The idea was that private companies would foster superior production, increased competition, and lower costs.

But, over the past 50 years, many larger pharmaceutical companies have backed off from the vaccine business because it is encumbered by regulatory barriers and is considered low-margin. For example, ten of the basic childhood vaccines (chickenpox, MMR, DTaP) are produced by just two companies.

Still, the research and development of vaccines takes place largely in the private sector. And public organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will coordinate distribution where appropriate. The WHO does R&D for vaccines where there are no existing options or ones that are being underutilized. Its research arm also helps to improve the introduction and monitoring of vaccines once introduced.

Even though governments may contribute to the development and distribution of certain vaccines, their prices continue to soar. GlaxoSmithKline puts the cost of its DTaP-IPV vaccine at $32.75 per dose a decade ago compared to $42.56 today, a 30% cost increase.

What’s included in those costs? According to the WHO, some of the costs associated with introducing a new vaccine include:
  • Vaccines - You have to have the vaccine itself, and this where big pharma plays  the biggest role.
  • Syringes, Labels, & Safety Boxes - When a vaccine is introduced on a mass scale, it must be safely packaged for transport with the right type of syringes and safety boxes.
  • Waste Management - With mass inoculation comes mass waste. How will this be handled, and what will it cost?
  • Transportation - What is the most practical, safest, and fastest way to get the vaccine to the people that need it?
  • Cold Chain Equipment - Can transportation and storage equipment accommodate the temperature requirements of the vaccine?
  • Training Materials - Health care workers must receive training on the handling and administration of the vaccine as well as how to recognize potential side effects.
  • Social Mobilization - How will you inform both healthcare workers and the general public about the introduction of the vaccine?

Unique Challenges Facing COVID-19 Vaccine Companies
With reference to the COVID-19 vaccine, there are a lot of players and moving parts emerging, creating unique challenges to successful distribution. This pandemic wasn’t even a blip on anyone’s radar a year ago, yet the world is braced for mass inoculation against a deadly virus.

Typically, vaccines take an average of 10-15 years to develop, and the fastest vaccine ever developed until now was the mumps vaccine that took four years. To say that this will be the most logistically challenging vaccination campaign in history might be an understatement. There’s every reason to be optimistic, but some of the potential hurdles that lie ahead are substantial.

Vaccine Approval
There are currently some 250 COVID-19 vaccine candidates, but just three have become frontrunners to have a vaccine approved for distribution in the next one to two months. Those are Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca/Oxford.
  • Pfizer/BioNTech announced that its vaccine is 95 percent effective and is scheduled for emergency FDA review in December.
  • Moderna states that its vaccine has a 94.1 percent efficacy rate. If approved by the FDA in December, the first injections could start on Dec. 21.
  • AstraZeneca/Oxford announced that its vaccine is 90 percent effective and is completing its trials. It has not yet filed for emergency approval.

Extreme Storage Requirements
As public health officials get ready for the largest vaccine distribution campaign in history, they must also tackle some unprecedented cold storage requirements. In the U.S. alone, Pfizer has committed to producing 100 million doses of its vaccine in December with the option for another 500 million more. In total, the company says it has the capacity to produce 1.2 billion doses within the next year.

The challenge with the Pfizer vaccine is that it falls apart if not kept in extreme temperature environments (the other vaccines don’t have this constraint). Specifically, it needs to be chilled to minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit) until it’s time for injection. This sounds like an impossible task, but Pfizer is trying to help:
  • The company has developed packing and storage innovations that will suit a range of locations and situations.
  • Its specially-designed thermal shippers will use dry ice as well as GPS sensors to track the location and temperature of the vaccine.
  • The company has developed strategic partnerships with transportation providers.
The vaccine can be stored in the thermal shippers with dry ice for up to 15 days when the dry ice is refilled as well as in normal hospital refrigeration units for an additional five days.

Transportation and Delivery
During the first half of 2020, managing the PPE supply chain was challenging enough. But, things were running smoother, and plenty of lessons were learned by the Summer of 2020, particularly when it came to distributing COVID-19 testing kits that were once in limited supply.

Given the urgency of the pandemic, the vaccines are likely to be transported via air for longer distances. We’re talking about roughly 15,000 flights over two years to move 10 billion doses on pallets.

While aviation has a solid track record with regard to refrigerated cargo, dealing with freezing temperatures is another matter. Dry ice adds a significant amount of weight to a shipment, which will add to the cost and time for distribution.

Further, what happens between the airport and the final destination will be critical. One of the most complex parts of the logistics chain will be the last mile from the airport or local frozen warehouse to the distribution site. As long as additional dry ice is available, shippers can achieve positive results.

The Nursing Shortage
201209 The Complex Logistics of Vaccines BLOG 4aUnfortunately, there remains a shortage of trained healthcare staff to administer the vaccine, particularly in the U.S. Even though healthcare workers will be the first to  receive the vaccine, this industry has been hard-hit by the pandemic.

If there are any flu-like side effects associated with the vaccine, there’s a chance that providers will have to be sidelined in an abundance of caution. For this reason, many facilities may refrain from vaccinating everyone at the same time. These same workers will also need to be trained in handling the storage and administration of the COVID vaccine.

As the vaccine infrastructure takes shape and more advanced versions of vaccines are developed without such extreme requirements, the logistical challenges may not be as severe. In fact, Pfizer is already developing a powdered version of its vaccine with hopes of a 2021 release.

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